be my own webserver

note: idea not recommended.

  1. needs to be up 24/7/365.
  2. full of hassles.
  3. time consuming.
  4. in need of constant care.
  5. complicated.

XAMPP - Make your Computer a Webserver: Apache, PHP, MySQL
XAMPP is a free installer that has Apache / PHP / MYsql / perl and more integrated so you won't have to configure anything yourself. (jimmyrcom)

PHP Tutorial: Installation and The Basics
To get php and apache installed use xampp. xampp is free and contains php / apache (around 33mb)... see post.(jimmyrcom)

friends of XAMPP
XAMPP is a free installer that has Apache / PHP / MYsql / perl and more integrated so you won't have to configure anything yourself. recommended by (jimmyrcom)