rounded corners

David Walsh,

<script type="text/javascript" src="curvy.corners.trunk.js"></script>

Microsoft, :

Note Windows Internet Explorer 9 supports adding rounded corners to elements using the border-radius properties. This topic only applies to Internet Explorer 8 and earlier. For more information on rounded corner support in Internet Explorer 9, see How to Add Rounded Corners with CSS3.

September 9, 2009

Internet Explorer and the border-radius Properties

While the W3C has specified the border-radius properties in its latest CSS3 working draft, Microsoft has not implemented the border-radius properties in Internet Explorer 8.

Microsoft is committed to providing a browser that accurately supports Web standards. In Internet Explorer 8, we shipped several features from HTML5 and CSS3. Our primary goal was implementing CSS 2.1 (a specification that has reached final candidate stage) completely and correctly before moving on to specifications that are still in development and may change.

Other Rounded Corners Solutions

We would like to point out the abundance of alternate solutions available on the Web. In addition to individual rounded corners solutions, there are also sites with frequently updated lists of rounded corners solutions that are compatible with multiple versions of Internet Explorer and other browsers.

Listed here are a few of our favorite sites for aggregated rounded corners solutions. They are presented in no particular order, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Microsoft of the site.